When a visitor lands on your homepage, he wants to learn what you can do for him. But he also wants proof that he can trust you. That you deliver what you say you do. This is where social proof comes into play.

When people think about social proof, they often think about a carousel of recent reviews. Don't use them! You need to hand-pick your social proof:

What is a testimonial that highlights features and benefits and mitigates objections?

Consider these testimonials from a clothing site:

"Nice experience. I love my new clothes."

It doesn't say much, right? Now consider this one:

"All the information, both the description and the size guide, made it easy for me to find the right size for me!"

Notice how the second testimonial:

Bonus tip: Use social proof wherever possible. In your hero section, on your homepage, in your mobile menu, in your e-mails, etc.