This is a demo of my Online Store Blueprint: How To Design a Top-Selling Online Store. You can buy the real version here when you’re ready.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Welcome! You’re about to learn how to design your online store to sell more. 🙋‍♂️

In this demo, you get a sample of the 81 Guidelines for designing a top-selling online store.

Each guideline teaches you how to design a specific part of your store to sell the most.****

You also get a sample of the new course format in Courses.

You can buy the real version here when you’re ready.

If you have any questions, please email or DM me on Twitter.

Also, remember to sign up for my newsletter Data-Driven eCommerce.

All the best,

Mathias Schrøder


<aside> ❗ Disclaimer: I’m confident that these guidelines will make your store sell more. But all sites and audiences are different, so I recommend that you A/B test everything with a tool like Google Optimize.

I’m working on a tutorial on how to do this.


Courses and Guides

Currently, the full version includes the following ON TOP OF the 81 guidelines:

As this is a demo, you only have access to How To Create a Top-Selling Hero Section.

Start here! These are my favourite low-code quick wins 🙋‍♂️

This means that these are relatively easy to implement. So by starting here, you can get some quick wins before diving into the more technical guidelines later.


Your hero section should synthesize your business in 5 seconds.

Use hand-picked social proof

Declutter your menu

Product Pages

Place the main image, thumbnails, and swatches in the same viewport

Always use square images on your product and collection pages.